How do I find relevant content creators or games?

Filter through over 250,000 profiles in seconds using Search.


Profile Tags

Quickly filter through profiles by including or excluding tags depending on your search.

Languages and locations

Find the right profiles by filtering by languages and profile and audience locations.

Content languages

Languages that the profile uses in their content.

Languages can be included as well as excluded in the search.

Profile locations

Country where the profile is based.

Locations can be included as well as excluded.

Audience platform average

Returns profiles where they have an above average following for the chosen country.

Audience majority

Add multiple locations and percentages to find profiles that reach a specific audience.


Find profiles of certain sizes and growth.


Micro Profiles with 10k - 50k followers
Mid Profiles with 50k-500k followers
Macro Profiles with 500k - 1 million followers
Mega Profiles with more than 1 million followers

You can use the All platforms toggle to filter followers based on specific social profiles.

Screenshot 2023-03-22 at 15.20.36

Follower growth

Use the follower growth filter to find profiles based on the percentage growth of their social media accounts during a specific time frame.

Growth can be filtered by specific social profiles.

Branded activations & affinity

Find profiles who have partnered with or have an affinity with a brand or industry.

Campaign engagement rate

Filter profiles by their campaign engagement with brands or categories.

Campaign engagement can be filtered by Instagram, TikTok, Twitch and YouTube.


Partnerships the profile has entered into, by either category or brand.

Audience affinity

The overlap between a gaming audience and a brand/category's following. Discover which profiles' audiences over-index with your brand.

Search by categories or by specific companies.


Filter profiles by game type or games played.

Games played

Games/genre that the profile has played/tagged in the last 6 months.

Games and genres can also be excluded. 

Streaming time

Number of hours a game has been streamed by the profile over a select period of time.

Streaming share

Percentage of streamed content where a selected game is played over a select period of time.

This filter is useful in locating content creators that play a certain game as their main content. 


Search by the profile's audience demographics.


Filter by the estimated income of the profile's audience.

High income Over-indexes on $50k>
Medium income Over-indexes on $30k-$50k
Low income Over-indexes on <$30k


You can find profiles with an audience age you'd like to discover.


Discover profiles that over-index on a female audience. 

The current platform average is 21%.

Advanced Filters

Use the advance filters to discover profiles with a specific insights.

Engagement rate

Find profiles with a certain engagement rate across all social posts.

Percentage of the profile's audience that interacts with their content.

Engagement rates can be filtered by specific social media profiles.

Live streaming

Find profiles based on live streaming data for Twitch, YouTube and Facebook Gaming.

Average viewers

The average audience size that a profile attracts during its live streams.

You can filter by all or look at specific streaming platforms.

Streaming growth

Search by the growth of a profile's streaming audience over a select period of time.